The Merrick Bellmore Synagogue Religious School ol of Congregation Ohav Sholom

Give your child a quality Jewish education. We are an Orthodox synagogue located on the south shore of Long Island in Nassau County. Our Hebrew School is a place where students from a variety of home environments and backgrounds (members & non members) can learn about Jewish traditions, holidays, Israel, prayer and the Hebrew Language. We offer classes for public school children ages 3-13 including bar/bat mitzvah lessons. 145 South Merrick Ave, Merrick, NY 516-377-8892

Location: New York, United States

Monday, February 06, 2006

*Hebrew School Newsletter* by Fran Green

Volume 7 Ohav Sholom Hebrew School 145 S. Merrick Avenue Merrick, NY 1/29/06

We have lots of events coming up which you will need to put on your calendar!

February 6 – COSY

February 15 – No JEP/JIL for the girls. JEP/JIL only for the boys.

February 19-26- Winter Break (No Hebrew School!)

February 27 – Classes Resume

March 6- COSY

March 9 5 -6:30 PM - Ages 2-5 Costume Party
Story time with the Rabbi, Israeli dancing lesson for kids, pizza and Cookie decorating. Bring your friends (non members welcome)
RSVP to Fay. (Free Admission)

March 11. Aleph Induction Shabbat
PLUS - Purim Shabbat Lunch. More information coming soon.

March 12. Sunday. Classes 9:15 AM-10 AM. Purim Carnival 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

March 13- No Hebrew School Classes (Purim)
Megillah Reading 6:45 PM.
8 PM Family Purim Freilach. Game show, entertainment, Come in Costume to celbrate purim. (Free Admission)

March 18. Saturday night. 7:15 PM - 9:30 PM. Family Bingo Night.
$5.00 per person ($21 max per family)
Submit checks to Ohav Men's Club by March 6.

April 8. Hebrew School Shabbat

Please remember for both COSY and JEP, confirm with the office upon drop off that COSY and/or JEP is actually planned to go on for that day. Things come up, so please do not just drop off your child and assume that all is going as planned!

On Saturday, March 11th, the Alef class will have its annual induction ceremony. The children will participate in the service and then be presented with a siddur (prayer book). If your child is in the Alef class, please make every effort to attend Shabbas services at Ohav Sholom that day.
On March 12th, we will have our annual Purim Carnival in the social hall. Please join us with your whole family! The very next day is Megilla reading and our Purim party at Ohav Sholom. This is one event you do NOT want to miss!! All are invited to join us!!

From the Book of Esther comes the tradition of Shalach Manot. Let Ohav Sholom Sisterhood help you fulfill the mitzvah of “sending portions” to relatives, friends and neighbors. This year Sisterhood has prepared a new gourmet gift package filled with an assortment of goodies, fresh fruit and of course hamantaschen, that your family and friends will be thrilled to receive. The office unintentionally left off the names of the Hebrew School staff on the Shalach Manot list. If you would like to include any of the teachers or Mr. Rubel on your list, an addendum is being sent home in the backpacks.

Ohav Sholom Sisterhood has created a virtual fundraiser!

Please visit:

One other event which you should all be well aware of will take place on April 8th, our Youth Shabbat! Each child will be participating in the service in the main sanctuary. This gives them an opportunity to showcase some of their abilities. All students are expected to arrive by 9:30am. Appropriate dress is required. We look forward to seeing you all there! Honors will be given to Fathers in this service. Please look for a form in the back pack if you are interested. (Or send in a note).

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